Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Day 4 and going....well not as motivated.

So today was actually a productive day. I got both cars washed, dishes washed, laundry done, and I cooked dinner. What a day....all except that whole Lit. Review that did not get worked on.

So I guess I don't have much to report. I'm hanging out with a good friend tomorrow. No real idea on what were doing but I'm excited anyway. Been awhile since I've seen her. After that I'm going back up to Erie on Thursday morning. I need to get this Lit. Review done and it just wont happen here. As it happens my sister wants to go up 79 too so the timing worked out well. I will be back Friday evening.

Past that not much to report. I'm in the process of getting the new Rambo movie and I'm looking forward to a mindless action movie. When I'm done watching it I'll give my impression of it. Some how I do not think it will be an in depth review.

I'll prolly have more in the next couple of days...

As another note, I want to go see this movie Hancock It doesn't come out till July though.

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